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NHS Apprenticeships

There are lots of great careers opportunities coming up in the NHS - and it's not just doctors and nurses, the NHS is a huge organisation with areas such as Administration, Engineering, Healthcare Support and Finance.

There is a lot of information linked in the files below - please see Miss White or a member of staff for support if you are interested or have questions about anything on this page - we are here to help you grab the opportunity!

Click HERE for a list of  Modern Apprenticeship Programme Anticipated* 2017 Opportunities  

Click HERE for an outline timetable of information sessions for upcoming Modern Apprenticeship Vacancies.  

"Our first information session for selected Administration Vacancies will take place next Wednesday evening, March 1 on the Gartnaval Hospital campus.


Details of other sessions can be found in the Information Sessions Timetable above.


Spaces at these events are limited and must be booked in advance.  Full details of venue locations and times will be contained in a  confirmation of booking email.


To book your space email including in your email the Date and Venue of the Session and the Vacancy/Vacancies you are interested in.  Please note we will not be able to process incomplete requests."