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Welcome to our school

 Head Teacher's Welcome

I would like to welcome you and your child to Castlemilk High School.

Our school is very proud of the high levels of support given to our pupils, the range of wider achievement activities we offer and the academic successes of ouryoung people.

We wish to secure the best possible outcomes for our young people.  We strive for equity with excellence in education and believe in always placing the 'Child at the Centre’.

At Castlemilk High School we aim to ensure excellence and equity through raising attainment. We are working towards ensuring that every child achieves the highest standards in literacy and numeracy and the right range of skills, qualifications and achievements to allow them to succeed in life.  We strive to ensure every child has the same opportunity to succeed by providing a range of supports and removing barriers to learning.

At Castlemilk High School we are proud that our young people confident, resilient and motivated to learn.  We are developing a range of strategies in literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing to support our young people to achieve their full potential.

We know that when parents are fully involved in their child's learning, and in the life and work of our school, that we see better outcomes for our young people. At Castlemilk High School we are working to ensure that parents are supported to play an active role in their child's learning, and that parents and our community play an important role in the day-to-day lives of our school.  Our aim is to build positive relationships with parents and work actively together to achieve the best possible outcome for our young people.

At Castlemilk High School the ultimate goal is that each and every child develops a broad range of skills and attributes and gains the qualifications to have choices and be successful in life. 


Lynn Gibson
