Due to the strikes this week school photographs, planned for this Friday 29th, have been postponed. A new date will be confirmed soon.
Parent/Carer Update Tuesday 19th September
Castlemilk High School is delighted to let parents and carers know that the school will be open for S4-S6 pupils on the proposed strike dates of 26th, 27th and 28th September next week.
S1-S3 pupils should not attend school on these days.
Pre-prepared sandwiches will be available for S4 to S6 on 26th, 27th and 28th September. It is important to note however that any pupils with allergies cannot be catered for and should bring their own lunch.
Parent/Carer Update
Developing the Young Workforce Update
Parental Update
Dear Parents and Carers,
‘Let’s Talk Scottish Education’ – Our National Discussion A National Discussion on Scottish Education is taking place. We are inviting everyone with an interest in the future of Scotland’s education system to join in – and we really need to hear from you.
As parents and carers, you play a vital role in your children’s education.
The National Discussion is a chance for you to share your hopes and ideas for the future of all aspects of Scottish education, from early years to options for school leavers.
Please click/tap the letter below for more details.
(tap the letter below for PDF)
We are pleased to announce that Education Services will shortly be introducing Parentsportal to your
child’s school. This online programme will enhance your communication experience with the school.
Parentsportal is being launched in schools on a phased basis, across the city.
Parentsportal will enable schools and parents/carers to manage many of the administration
processes more efficiently online.
It is available 7 days a week and 24 hours per day.
More information is provided in the letter below:
Parentsportal Letter Link
Introducing Parent Pay
Update 29th April
New video to help you sign up to ParentPay:
(tap the image below for the full letter)
COVID-19 asymptomatic testing programme for school/ELC staff and pupils
Please click the image below for a letter, information poster and privacy notice.
Free School Meals – October Holiday Payment Eligibility
Please click here for the letter from Maureen McKenna Executive Director of Education Services
Letter from Maureen McKenna Executive Director of Education Services:
(please click below for PDF version)
NHS letter detailing the latest COVID procedures for schools in Scotland:
(please click below for PDF version)
To keep us all safe the government recommends that young people take regular lateral flow tests. These are available from the school office to collect. Young people should also wear face coverings as before. #StaySafe
Click the image below for a guide to what you need to know about your qualifications in 2021
11th March Welcoming Pupils Back to School - Details for Monday 15th
1st February Update for Senior Phase Pupils letter from Maureen McKenna Executive Director of Education
27th January Update letter from Maureen McKenna Executive Director of Education
Remote Learning Guidance
Free School Meals Update 13/01/21
If you are a key worker and require childcare provision if schools close for home learning in January, can you please contact the school office.
Free School Meals Letter
Please click here for a letter for parents and carers of young people who reciceve free school meals.
(Update 02/11/20) As per government guidelines, you should wear your face mask in all classes as well as communal areas (unless you are exempt) Your teachers will support you with this as we understand that this may be challenging.
As you may be aware, facemasks must be worn in schools outwith classrooms/PE from Monday 31 August. Please provide your child with a mask, where possible. Facemasks will be available for young people who require them. Many thanks for your continued support.
L Gibson HT
Useful websites for advice:
BBC Face Covering Advice HERE
Young Scot COVID 19 Secondary Schools HERE
School Meals Payments Interim Arrangements
CHS Quick Start Guide
Please find the School Meals Payments Interim Arrangements by clicking the link below. If you have any concerns please call the school.
Session 2020/21 Uniform
Parents and carers can order school uniform from LogoXpres Schoolwear using the link below. You can also choose to buy a badge and have it put on your own blazer.
(Items other than the school blazer can also be bought from any other retailer as long as they are of the same colour and style)
Castlemilk High LogoXpres link
We would be delighted if you could complete the following survey to help us develop the PSE programme: By completing the survey you will also have the opportunity to be entered into a prize draw for a £10 Amazon voucher. Thanks for your support and good luck!
Castlemilk High School Pupil Equity Funding
(click the YouTube logo on the bottom right to watch full screen on a PC)