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Parent Council
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About the Parent Council
Parents and carers play a vital role in their child’s education. In recognition of this, the Scottish Schools  (Parental Involvement) Act 2006 both encourages and supports more parents, working in partnership with the school, to be involved in their child’s education. 
The main aims of this act are:
  •  to help parents become more involved with their child’s education and learning
  • to welcome parents as active participants in the life of the school
  • to provide easier ways for parents to express their views and wishes
Castlemilk High School has a very active Parent Council, with a core group of around 12 parents, who  meet every 6 weeks. Meetings are lively and informal, and focus on sharing information, ideas and concerns  between parents and school.

Meeting Dates for 2018/19 

26/09 (AGM)

The Parent Council has a formal constitution. Membership is open to all parents and carers. 
It is important for all parents to know who their representatives are:
(List of Representatives to be updated after September 2018 AGM)
Effective communication is a key objective of the Parent Council. Parental views are always welcomed, and will be passed to the Council.
Minutes of meetings are available from the school office and they can be emailed to you if you wish. 
Please contact reception at Castlemilk High School if you require further information.

Parent Council 2018/19

Pauline Gaughan - Chairperson

Andrea Telford - Vice Chairperson

Amanda Ballentyne - Treasurer

Jane Miller

Patricia Bain

Lee Kerr

Karen Reid - Secretary

Laura McGranaghan - Teacher Representative

Stuart Munro - Teacher Representative


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