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News from week ending 10th October 2014.


Here is the latest news from the week ending 10th October 2014
·  An S5 pupils has been successful in his application for an apprenticeship in Admin with City Building.
·   The Talent show on Wednesday 8th October was a great success, enjoyed by all and supported by 31 staff, 3 members of Parent Council and many former pupils. The Croft Committee’s organisation of the event was exceptionally well done. £770.00 was raised for the School’s outdoor centre.
·  The S1 Fire visits have taken place this week giving pupils an insight into personal safety as well as how to keep everyone in the home safe.
· The S1 Young Scott photographs were taken this week
·  A new badminton club started on Monday after school.
·  A rowing club also started this week.
·  The senior football team lost 3 : 2 to St Margaret Marys.
· The Numeracy Day for S1 took place on Tuesday organised by Mr Wood and Irene Yuile, where eight business partners delivered workshops on the relevance of numeracy and finance in the world of work. S1 behaviour was excellent.
· Senior pupils worked with Barclays Bank employees this week on personal finance and interview preparation.
·   The Prince’s Trust group attended a cinema trip on Thursday as part of their learning on planning events.
· The end of term Miller Room Celebration event, organised by the pupils, is today, Periods 5 & 6 to which all staff are invited.
· The S1 Soccer 7s results were:  Won 3, Drew 2 and Lost 1.
·  Mr Dixon, Mrs Stevenson, Miss Hussain and Mrs King completed the Great Scottish 10K in Glasgow on Sunday.
·  On Thursday 9th October Mrs King attended the St Margaret Marys Award Ceremony as a representative of the school.
· Two S5 pupils had the opportunity to visit Auschwitz on a day’s excursion with other Glasgow schools on Tuesday.
·  The S1/2 ‘No Removes’ reward trip to the Timescale went ahead on Thursday.
·  House Assemblies were held this week with the new Captains and Vice Captains having the opportunity to update their House on pupil council matters.
·  The prom Committee have now settled on the 6TH June as the date for the Prom and earlier emails should now be ignored please.
·  The non-uniform day, today, was possible because of the great improvement in the Social Area with regard to litter. It raised £326 which will go towards the Italy trip.
· Supported study continues in many subjects.
·Nearly all the Insight meetings have taken place.
· The gardeners group harvested carrots and broad beans this week.