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Schools Poetry Slam Final

A hardworking group of S1s recently took part in the Schools Poetry Slam final, part of the Aye Write! festival's schools programme. After 8 hours in school, learning how to write poetry, with the help of comedian Viv Gee, the poets travelled to the Mitchell Library to compete against 5 other Glasgow schools.

The final saw two individual poets and one group perform in front of a large audience in the Mitchell Theatre. Our individual poets were Laura Middleton with  a poem called Bullies, and Robyn Taylor, with a spooky rhyme called The Heart Shaped Necklace. The group poets were Shanice McCann, Kayleigh Ferns, Jodie Loughlin and Stevi Stuksis. They performed a poem called Bruises.

A special mention goes to Christina Lamont, who received a certificate for Outstanding Achievement throughout the programme.

All of the performers, supporters, teachers and librarian had a great afternoon.

Please click here for pictures of the event.