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Castlemilk High School Attends ‘Talk 2 Gather’ Conference

On Thursday 28th February 2013, pupils from Castlemilk High were invited to the City Chambers to run a workshop at a city wide ‘Talk 2 Gather’: A pupil Voice and Rights Awareness Conference on Wednesday. They had decided to share example of the ways that learning and teaching at the school involve their community.

 S1 pupils have been learning about and developing the skills required to organise an event. Working in partnership with Ardenglen Housing Association the pupils invited a pensioners group to the school for a tea morning, during this they had to discuss, plan, apply for jobs, take part in an interview and budget for the event. At the end a video was made and the 4 S1 girls used this was used to start a workshop at ‘Talk 2 Gather’. Fiona McGovern from Ardenglen was joined by Christine and Margaret from the pensioners group to help the girls talk about their project and the follow up invite they received to go to the Maureen Cope hall for a Burns Lunch.
Castlemilk Bike Club are very fortunate to have the track for the Commonwealth Games right on our doorstep as well as a winning entry in the naming a section of the track. The S3 boys are also involved in coaching younger members of the school and community and showed this in a short clip. Having carried a bike all the way up the main stairs of the Chambers the team used it to show conference members how to carry out a safety inspection on their bike.

Chloe explains the steps of her project


Chris and Daniel demonstrate a saftey check


Pupils with Fiona, Christine and Margaret