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S3 modern apprenticeships


S3 pupils discover the benefits of choosing a Modern Apprenticeship

As part of Learning Through Work Week, on the 5th of November the S3 pupils were visited by a range of employers and training agencies to learn about Modern Apprenticeships as a post school option. The Scottish Government is keen to promote Modern Apprenticeships as an excellent opportunity for school leavers to earn while they learn, while contributing to the Scottish economy.

Co-ordinated by Irene Yuile, Employability and Skills Manager and Stephen Coyle, our Skills Development Scotland Careers Adviser, the event enabled the pupils to talk to the following organisations about the benefits of their Modern Apprenticeship programmes: Glasgow Training Group, the National Health Service, Construction Industry Training Board, East Kilbride & District Engineering Group Training Association and the Commonwealth Apprenticeship Initiative. The employers were on hand to answer questions and two NHS apprentices described their positive experiences of work based learning.