Gymnastics win!
Who would have thought three S2-S4 pupils from a small school in Glasgow could win the Glasgow Gymnastics Championships? Well that’s exactly what happened. For the second year in a row we had qualified first for the Scottish Floor and Vault Championships in Perth.
On Sunday the 20th of March Miss McEwan along with David S4, Dana S3 and Amy S2 travelled through to Perth to compete against schools from all over Scotland. 26 teams in total were in the Level 2 category with over 100 participants.
The pupils were nervous as they had never performed to an audience so big and at such an important event. Our aim was top 10, but we thought even that would be a challenge. All pupils completed their floor routine first and then their vault. We decided to stay for the presentations to find out what schools had placed (not for one minute thinking it would be us!).
It was difficult to hear the announcer as there was over 500 gymnasts and an arena packed with teachers, coaches and family. First place in the Level 2 category was Perth Academy. As they stood on the podium the commentator announced who finished second……..
In second place with a score of 89.7 was Castlemilk High School! We all looked at each other. Did she actually just say Castlemilk High School? Our pupils walked up to the podium with a face of shock, disbelieve and excitement. You could not wipe the smiles of their faces! Miss McEwan even had a wee cry! They finished second in the whole of Scotland and are now eagerly waiting to find out if they have qualified for the British Championships. To top it all off, David scored the highest points of the whole competition and won gold in the individual category.
Such an amazing achievement for each pupil. They did themselves, their families and their school proud. Well Done!