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News from week ending 31/10/14

 Some news of the week,

 ·         David Arerndarik S3 competed in an acrobatic gymnastics competition – the ‘ Sharlene Slater Cup 2014’ in Newcastle at the weekend with a magnificent performance. 


·         Mr Gilliland and Mrs Toal had the pleasure of spending £2,000+ on outdoor gear this week for our pupils’ residentials to the School Outdoor Centre.


·         Chrissy from ‘Beyonder’ who works with a class of senior pupils on a wider achievement programme commented this week:  “I would love to take this opportunity to thank you, Diane and the whole school for such an amazing welcome and we feel privileged to be working with such a great school.”


·         The S1 boys’ football results at Toryglen on Tuesday night were:  Won 2, Drew 2,  Lost 2.


·         The girls’ football team are performing well.


·          Mr Fraser, Mrs Campbell and Mrs King are attending a meeting with our business partner Glasgow Caledonian University Business School this afternoon to make further plans for joint working in support of our pupils.


·         Assemblies were introduced to a new Volley ball club starting at St MMs with demonstrations by the coaches showing their fantastic skills.


·         Mr Mackie has started his preparations for the annual Pantomime outing.


·         Welcome back to all our student teachers.


·         S1 tutor groups have had the opportunity to evaluate their experience of CHS by completing a questionnaire – results are being collated and will be shared soon.


·         Supported study continues to be offered each evening after school.


 •          Life Link Groups - Our colleagues from the Lifeline Service have started their group programmes this week. The focus for the S1 and S2 groups is Resilience. Pupils will participate in the programme to improve their self-esteem, confidence, peer relationships and find ways of coping when things do not go as planned.