week ending 28/11/14
Here's the latest news....
· Attendance was around 92% (slightly below the attendance figure of the last 4 years; 11/12 was 92.7%, 12/13 was 93.25%. 13/14 was 92.23%)
· Some of our pupils are involved in an Anti-Sectarian project for the next 3 Friday afternoons and Tuesday 2nd December pm. The pupils will work with 6 pupils from St MM’s under the supervision of 2 Arts workers from Castlemilk Parish and St Bartholomew’s Church. They will be creating a message which will be displayed across Glasgow on the back of the 75 bus.
· The Rugby Taster sessions were successful and hopefully have generated interest for the new Rugby club which has now started.
· A dance coach has started on Thursdays with many S1-S5 pupils showing interest.
· The Badminton Club is still going strong with over 25 pupils attending every Monday after school.
· The Cheerleaders have now been split into two squads named ‘The Seniors’ and ‘The All Stars’ and are practicing hard every Wednesday and Thursday for the Christmas Service.
· 6 x S1 pupil have been involved in a community project “The 3 B’s : Bite, Blether and Bingo” with local pensioners from Ardenglen Housing. They appeared on TV on Wednesday ‘s news - ( fast forward to 12:25:) http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b04pv3gw/reporting-scotland-26112014
· Three third year pupils have been working with Mr Gardner on an art project this week as part of the preparation for the gardener’s stall at Castlemilk’s Christmas Fayre this Saturday.
· Miss McEwan’s application form for the School Sport Award was successful and the school was recognised with a Silver Award. She is already working out how we can achieve gold status.
· The boys U14 football team were ‘comfortably’ beaten last night by St MMs – the score has not to be discussed!
· Fantastic news that Mrs Stevenson’s application to the Foyle Trust was successful. £9,500 has been awarded to the drama department for portable staging. Well done to Mrs Stevenson for completing the very lengthy application form.
· The S1 Parent Night went very well with an outstanding turn out.
· The Gardeners have been busy all week preparing their produce to sell at the Castlemilk’s Christmas Fayre on Saturday. They also visited Castleton Primary with Mr Oberg to speak to the assemblies about their garden.
· The non –uniform day has been organised by a senior pupil as part of her Myco –Tyco Challenge. She has also organised a raffle with prizes you would hope to win.
· The Princes Trust group have been making personalised Christmas cards this week and preparing the hampers for the community pensioners.
· The S1 have a Highland Games double period in PE today to celebrate St Andrews Day. See you at the lunch time Ceilidh –haggis is on the menu!