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Young Ambassador nominations 2012

Lee Anderson and Lauren Coleman have been nominated as ‘Young Ambassadors’ for the Youth Sport Trust Young Ambassadors programme which aims to inspire others using the power of the Olympic and Paralympic Games to take up sport and physical activity.


The Youth Sport Trust Young Ambassadors programme, delivered in partnership with adidas and LOCOG, is a movement of inspirational young people who are using the power of the Olympic and Paralympic Games to encourage other young people to take up sport and physical activity.


The Young Ambassadors have three roles, to:

  • raise participation in sport
  • promote the Olympic and Paralympic Values
  • promote the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Young Ambassadors are selected as role models by their schools and School Sport Partnerships and share the Olympic and Paralympic Values by organising workshops, assemblies, practical sessions and informative talks. They are trained at a series of national and local conferences throughout the UK

Miss McEwan will mentor our nominated pupils and attend a regional conference with them on the 27th September.