News from the week ending 12th September 2014
Here is the enws from the week ending 12th September 2014.
Senior pupils attended ‘The Higher Education Convention’ on Wednesday 10th September 2014.
Supported study after school continued this week with Biology, Chemistry, Physics, English, Maths and Social Subjects involved.
The S5/6 Assembly heard about the “Mark Scott leadership for life award” a fantastic opportunity for the S6 pupils.
The girls’ football team played on Tuesday 9th September 2014, night winning five games and losing two, both defeats only 1:0.
The Cheerleader/gymnastic group rehearsed and then performed at the parental engagement evening on Wednesday 10th September 2014.They were outstanding!
The boys U14s lost their first match to Hillpark 2:8 –however we played S2 only whilst Hillpark had S3 and a number of club players in their team.
Mrs Campbell along with three senior pupils attended the ‘The Big Say’ on Tuesday 9th September 2014. The exhibitors commented on how incredibly well the young people got involved in the discussions and how refreshing it was to see them voicing their opinions, on what was needed to support their wellbeing.
An S4 pupil has been successful in application for a CAI stonemason position.
The senior football team won 3:1 against Stonelaw in the first round of the Glasgow Cup on Thursday 11th September 2014. Well Done.
Wednesday 10th September 2014, saw this year’s CfE Parental Engagement evening. We are delighted to say that at least double the number of parents from last year attended. They experienced fantastic contributions from all the Sciences, Art, Social Subjects, Health Improvement (Mrs Guthrie), using the CHS Website (Dr Robertson), and Maths. Pupils delivered lessons and acted as guides. Mr Oberg provided an update on CfE and Mrs Campbell on internet safety. The cheerleaders and £50.00 bingo prize were very popular!
Talent Show auditions were held last night on Thursday 11th September 2014 – what a lot of talented young people we have.
The parent information session for the Ski Trip was held on Wednesday 10th September 2014 – ski suits were issued and Mr Oberg and Mr Boland continue to encourage fund –raising .