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School granted Bronze Eco School
 Since mid January 2011, The Enhanced Curriculum class S2.2 with Miss Fairgrieve have been working on an Eco Project.  The class conducted an Eco Assessment of the school to see where the improvements were needed.
As a result of the hard work carried out by the class, the school community the Eco Schools Bronze Award was given to the school in
  March 2011. 
The project
An informal assessment revealed that having push on/off taps were a positive feature and that there are already some blue recycling bins and litter bins present in the grounds. Steps to improve are a focus on litter, energy saving and encouraging animals and natural habitats was discussed.
Surveys were carried out by the Eco Committee involving pupils and staff to gauge opinion of what they would like to focus on as a school. 
The young people found that they had to improve the most on Recycling and in cultivating and encouraging wildlife around the school grounds.
The Waste Department was called for Glasgow and they have agreed to send two big blue bins to be housed in the Cafeteria/Assembly area for young people to recycle paper napkins and plastic bottles after they have had lunch as there are a LOT of plastic bottles going in the bin!
As an activity the young people on the Eco Committee created some products “Old to New” by melting old, scratched and damp LPs in the ovens and pinching the corners turning them into bowls/ flower pots which have since cooled (!) and been painted for an enterprise sale to take place before the holidays. Mr Fraser(DHT) had remarked that he had seen them in the West End charity shops for £25, so we thought we’d have a go.
The Eco Committee have since created an Eco Code for the school to follow. It is displayed on the continuously looping powerpoint on the stage as a reminder. Poetic ideas were tried and tested and the young people came up with statements that should be remembered by all:
Don’t be silly, just be smart- turn off the lights and have a heart
Recycle your bottles and cans-even when coming back from “The Van”
Put Your Litter in the Bins
Walk or Cycle to school- it keeps you fit and really cool!


Next Steps:

  • A grant application has been submitted to request items and resources to cultivate the school grounds and improve our Eco-Status so this to follow.
  • School Community to observe the Eco Code
  • Eco Noticeboard and collage to be created.