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Drink Yourself Healthy!

Drink Yourself Healthy! 

The Health and Wellbeing Improvement group was set up at the beginning of the session to look at ways of helping to improve the health and wellbeing of the young people at Castlemilk High School.

One of the areas we looked at was the effects that high energy and fizzy drinks can have on both health and learning.

As you can see the detrimental effects on Health and Learning are great! To help reduce these effects, from the 18th April, when the pupils return after the Spring break holiday, there will be a ban on fizzy drinks with pupils encouraged to drink water or flavoured water only.

Over the next few weeks:

 "Our aim is to engage and educate the children in order that they have an understanding of the reasons for the ban".


 Assemblies and departments in the school will be delivering lessons with this focus e.g.

  • Debates on the sugar tax and the negative effects of drinking fizzy juice within Social Subjects
  • Technical and ICT will carry out research and produce posters to be displayed around the school.
  • There will be investigations and experiments on the amount of sugar in fizzy drinks and the connection with diseases like diabetes in Science.
  • Discussion and group work focusing on both the good and bad points of a selection of drinks with pupils displaying their views on information posters will be taking place in English.
  • The P.E. department will be delivering a lesson to include a power point on the effects of drinking fizzy juice on the body and promoting the benefits of drinking water.
  • Maths will look at the amounts of sugar in fizzy drinks from a numeracy angle.



    On the last week of term we will begin the COUNT DOWN to a




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